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How To Keep Your Kids Healthy While Back At School

Nobody likes sick kids. Not me. Not you. Not the kids. But let's face it, getting sick is inevitable, and arguably, an important part in building a robust immune system. I'm about to let you in on one thing I do to boost my kid's immune systems so when they do get sick they recover quicker!

How To Make Homemade Butter

If I've learned anything as a real food lover, it's that you need to be careful. You can empty your bank account in a hurry if you go "all-in-organic" and sometimes it's just not worth it.

6 Reasons Grass-fed Beef is Healthier For You

These days a lot of people, you likely included, are horrified by how animals are treated on factory farms, want to lower their ecological footprint, and are looking for healthier alternatives for their families. We can help! Here’s why eating our Grass-Fed meat is better for you than conventionally raised products.

How To Cut Up a Whole Chicken

I'm sort of embarrassed to be telling you this story, but I'll never forget the first time I tried cutting up a whole chicken. My first attempt took me about 30 minutes because I had no idea what I was doing. I just started cutting. Which meant I was cutting through bones. Do you know how hard it is to cut through bones?? Hence the 30 minutes. After I finally got the chicken apart, Tom walked in the door. Perfect timing, right? I'll never forget the look on his face.

Organic or Natural? Is It Worth It?

Have you ever gone to the grocery store and felt overwhelmed by the terms “organic”, “free range”, “natural”, “pastured”, “cage free”, “grass fed” or how about the classic “all natural” (you think to yourself that one really must be good because it’s all natural). You’re just looking for food for your family that is safe to eat. You want to buy meat from animals that lived a good life and were treated humanely. You want your food to be free of harmful chemicals and additives that will make you sick. That’s why you choose to buy the food labeled “organic” or “free range”, right? But, how’s a mom to decide which one is best?

Raw Milk 101

I’ve gotten used to the “Are you from outer space?” look when I tell people I drink raw milk. Actually, six years ago, if someone would have told me they drink raw milk I think I would have given them the same look.