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The Homemade Honey Latte Recipe That Makes Me a Better Mom

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

September 6, 2024

Before I had kids, I couldn't understand why moms would be excited for their kids to go back to school.

Didn't moms love spending every waking minute with their kids?! 

Fast forward 12 years & 3 kids later....

I totally get it now.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids dearly.

But I also really love silence.

And clean floors.

And reading my bible.

And taking walks.

And silence.

And my kids really love school and their friends so it's a win-win.

With fall on the horizon and freshly harvested honey from our bees, I love treating myself to a honey latte.

There's something about a chill in the air, a cozy sweaterslowing down, and sipping a warm, honey latte while sitting on the deck.

Having just a few minutes of quiet time make me a better mom.

Adding caffeine & honey basically make me super mom.

I share my recipe every year at back to school time and I always get so many "thank you's" from mamas who need to slow down.

If you're one of those mamas, allow me to help:


Wishing you and your family a great start to the school year!



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