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Sick Kids? Try This Tasty, Easy Way to Boost Healthy Gut Bacteria

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

October 5, 2023

When I was a kid, I was on antibiotics constantly for strep throat or ear infections.

Then as a teen/young adult I took antibiotics daily for years to treat acne. 

Certainly not something I'm proud of and definitely not something I'll be doing with my kids, but that's my reality and it's been a big part of my healing journey.

Now that I see health in a different light, navigating the crunchy mom arena can sometimes be hard.
I understand we get sick and antibiotics are sometimes necessary, especially coming up on cold and flu season.

So what would I do if my family needed antibiotics?

I'd rebuild a healthy gut microbiome by drinking Kefir every day.

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented drink similar to yogurt, but way more powerful. 
It's like yogurt on steroids and it's crazy good for you.

  • Loaded with healthy strains of bacteria & yeast that our guts need to stay healthy.
  • Can stop the growth of harmful bacteria like SalmonellaHelicobacter pylori, and E. coli
  • Good for bone health
  • May be protective against cancer
  • Can help with digestive problems such as IBS
  • Can improve allergy & asthma symptoms

Even if you haven't taken antibiotics, Kefir is a powerhouse of nutrition and can help keep you healthy.
Click below to learn how easy it is to make:


I'm a firm believer that health starts in your kitchen.

Taking baby steps to make positive changes can go a long way for your health.

Kefir happens to be easy & delicious so I hope you'll give it a try!

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