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My Favorite 10 Crockpot Recipes to Simplify Supper

written by

Sarah Fischer

posted on

October 20, 2023

What's your go to for supper on busy weeknights?

We've got tacos on repeat here.

I love how easy ground beef is, but sometimes I need a more hearty meal (but I want it to be just as easy!)

Would you believe me if I told you there was something even easier than ground beef in your freezer?

It's the roasts from your 1/4 cow or 1/2 hog.

If you've got roasts in your freezer that you don't know what to do with, I'm here to fix that.  

Roasts make supper a breeze for working moms....

Throw 'em in the crockpot when you leave for work and they're done when you walk in the door. 

Every mom's dream.

If you're unsure what to do with your roasts, check out my 10 favorite recipes below:


Our favorites are the Slow Cooker Asian Roast & Pulled Pork.


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